Nothing says lovin my faithful readers like Gelato.... So here,
dig in!!!!! What have I been up to????? Well after the trunk show for our knitwear in August,
we got the goods and a lot of people across the country are now sporting snappy Parisian style garb and the winner of the piece of knitwear chose her complimentary piece.... A cashmere squiggle!!! Her name is Mrs Bob Talutis.

More treats for my readers......Lovin this biscotti..... So then I had to do a tablesetting presentation at the Country Club, packed up half the shop's dinnerware and glasssware and hauled it out there. The food was late so they just let me blab for a half hour.
I felt like one of those anchor people where the producer is making the motion with their hands to "stretch it out".

This is a friend of mine...... Lives and works in the same town as the gelato..

More tasty Italian treats for my readers... Can you guess where this is????

Nope not France in the good ole USA..... Back to my excuses....So the same week I was doing my gig at the Country Club I had the installation on the first phase of the beautiful house and guest house I have been working on since Feb.... Yes INTERIOR DESIGN....

More treats for you readers.....And we have been getting the shop ready for gift season..... Sooooo ..

That's why I have not been in touch for a while.......... I missed you all...

Hope you enjoyed your treats..... From Ferrera's Italian Bakery on Newberry St,