I know it's important to convey your desires in the xmas season to those who may want to acknowledge you with a gift for xmas. That being said, it seems it may also be important to acknowledge those THINGS you DO NOT WANT. Herewith, for your amusement my personal list of things Santa can keep in the sleigh.
I am not doing many pictures with this because I don't even want to SEE these things.
I don't want a CLAPPER. I'm just not there yet. Give me a little chandelier instead.
I don't want anything REGIFTED. Why would I want a gift the original recipient didn't want in the first place???? EEEEEWWWWW! Bad Form!
I don't want anything you wouldn't give me any other time of year. Like one of those silk pillows you put over your eyes with millet seeds in them... You bet I use one of THOSE daily.....
I don't want anything that comes from a chain drugstore except for the product in which they specialize, like I wouldn't mind a gift box full of Aleve or heartburn medicine..( although those stuffed animals that you press the button on their foot who dance are sometimes amusing.)
Don't give me anything that wets, poops, or bites. There is no room at the inn!
(Ok, maybe for one more... I am a spineless wonder)
I don't want a trick bed. I just want one that feels good and you can get a good nights sleep in it. Period. I don't want to dial my bed, make it go up and down, or balance a glass of wine on it while someone jumps up and down on the other side.
I don't want anything that is FAKE FRENCH. There's been enough of that stuff.....Give me the real thing.......
Oh and please don't give me anything made out of Styrofoam!!!!! Do your bit and save the environment. I won't use it anyway!!!!!!!
And please God, no way, never, not one of these!!!!!

Not until they figure out a way to make these things grow cold hard cash!!!!!!!
How bout all of you ???? You have any gifts you really hate?? Come on lets hear!!!!!
Next up the ten things I would love to get as gifts with Pictures>>>>>>
I need to add a big #11 to this: Ruth at The Beautiful Life commented that she didn't want a "Snugglie". ME EITHER!!!!!! I don't need to sit on my sofa dressed like a monk.... This is going to be funny!