First, I apologize for neglecting my blog responsibilities.
but a girl has to make a living.......Now I need feedback from you!!!!!!!!
This is the line I bought at M&O. I think it is truly wow.
It is gorgeous Italian linen with coordinating towels,
tabletop and accessories.
A pillow cover / bag with an embroidered rose looped terry with a relaxed linen bow.
The linen feels
fantastic!!!!!! Soft with just the right weight.

THIS is what blew me away. For all those "wrinklephobic" beings out there how about if you just throw this in the wash, then dry it and JUST PUT IT BACK ON THE BED!!!!!!
HOW ABOUT 40 COLORS!!!!!!!! And there are coordinating towels! This Atollo style has a built in ruffle for a relaxed ruffle effect or to tuck under on a platform bed........

They do some printed pillows that are very romantic... The name Arte Pura..... to see their website go to
http://www.artepura.it/ Here's the hitch.. Everything is in Italian. The price sheets, measurements, everything, and of course you have to do bank transfers to Italy,in Euros, so I had to get a Dictionary Italiano just to figure out a towel is a spugne ( like a sponge).

Here is another bed in white mixed with some double flanged pillows in midnight navy on a coverlet with the embroidered roses and crystal. They laser the crystal on so it is actually fused into the fabric....So, it stays on in the wash..... So have I lost my mind????????? I'm a Francophile!
Have I hung my derriere out to dry investing in this????

See the little sparkle? Also there are curtains with tab top but under the tabs are sloppy ties and ruffles on the lower third of the panel.

Embroidered roses with some of the crystals that are lasered on.....The crystals are mostly on accessory pieces and are not overdone......

Tabletop with linen baskets with the crystals.. How Fun is this???? They do runners, tablecloths, napkins, napkin rings.. etc....... They also don't take foreverto be made like some companies....

Adorable linen bags.

There are lounge wear pieces, shirts and coordinating towels for all the bedding.
So tell me I didn't mess up.............!!!!!!!Please!
Oh, and my excuse for neglecting my blogging duties? I am working on two design projects. one a new upcountry home with guest house.....The otherlocated in Houston.
And we are getting the shop ready for High Holy Days otherwise known as ROUND TOP!!
So it's been 24/7 literally..........Hang in there my lovely readers......We love and appreciate you!!
Oh and Happy Birthday to Robes!!!!!Today!
And Happy St Patty's Day Tomorrow!!!!!! (those are High Holy Days for US!)