Monday, September 5, 2011

Arte Pura goes to College!!

On july 9th of this year I blogged about our Arte Pura muse..... We call her Miss Beadboard.
She is attending a major university, is in a sorority, was a cheerleader, gets good grades, and has awesome parents.  MB fell in love with this bed, the Sorgente in the peachy Armonia Old.

Soooo, she sent up pictures of HER new room at school. 
She chose the Ciotello spread in the same peachy color accented with greys and whites.

How this for student digs????????

Evidently it is getting high marks with her sorority sisters already.

Here's the evento slipcover in the Gesso Old at her worktable....
The puckered bag it comes in is being used to carry the MAC.

 Oh and we love the Arte Kleenex box in the white terry with the Swarovski Crystal.
Thanks for the pics MB!!!!!! To see the blog from July just click on muse in the search onthe right sidebar below.  

Oh! And other news!!!!!!! Beadboard was featured in a regional publication, Austin and San Antonio
URBAN HOME!  Page 96.  Thanks URBAN HOME!

So, my apologies for not commenting so much lately... I've had the "schmutz" like a mini flu, and I'm leaving for Paris for Maison et Object tomorrow with a battery of over the counter cold medicine,
while leaving the shop in Peter's capable hands.  
I will be meeting the designer and the team from Arte Pura,
and seeing their new fall collection in person...
(I already have the pictures but have to keep them under wraps until after the show.......)
All I can say is it is incredible!!!!!!!!!!  Over the top with a few surprises.
So I will be scouting out the latest and greatest for all of you fabulous people.......;)


  1. In love with Arte Pura, what a lucky lucky girl!!

    Be sure to join my Fashion Giveaway from Fresh Produce!!


    Art by Karena

  2. So beautiful!What a lucky girl! Have a great time at M&O. I hope to make the show in January. Sarah

  3. What a lucky girl. Beautiful colors. Have fun.

  4. Oh how adorable! Just precious. Wish I had found this before my daughter started college three years ago! I love the chair too. May have to get that for myself soon.
    Have a great day.

  5. Bisous,
    Forgot to tell you congratulations and I hope that you feel better!

  6. When I see the accommodations college students have today, I am very jealous. Where are the cinderblock dormitory walls? Where is the smarmy mold-infested carpeting of the student apartments?

    Beautiful things; it's so nice this family sent you pictures of how it all came together.

    See you soon!

  7. omfg - incredible. puts lizzys dorm room last year to shame.

  8. So pretty! I Love the peach color :)

  9. Is this for real?? a dorm room?? I love Arte Pura line, they do such such a great presentation at Maison et Objet. Hope you will enjoy. Can't wait to hear your feedback

  10. you are a pretty rockin' cool mom!!

  11. What a cozy college diggs! And Paris?! You are excused dear lady!

    Linda@Lime in the coconut
